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Magnesium Weight Loss - Will Magnesium Help you Lose Weight?

Very often, when people think about weight loss plan to go on a starvation diet type. The problem is that this merely results in a decrease in metabolism and disease.

The best way to go about weight loss is to think about nutrition and understand what your body needs to function properly. Strange as it may seem, magnesium is a nutrient that can help you lose weight magnesium weight loss.

Does it help you lose weight magnesium?

Firstly, in order to lose weight has to be deficient in magnesium in the first place. If your body is full of magnesium and then take more the form of supplements will not help magnesium weight loss.

How does magnesium lose weight?

Magnesium is necessary for over 300 different enzyme reactions in the body which means that if you are deficient , your body is not able to function as well as it should magnesium weight loss.

For example, you might have a tendency to binge on comfort foods when you feel depressed. Well , magnesium help with depression magnesium weight loss, since you need to help convert the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin and melatonin as well.

Serotonin is one of the hormones that make you feel happy, while melatonin helps you sleep. So if you are happy and you get a good night's sleep magnesium weight loss, chances are you will not feel the need to binge on foods high in fat and high in sugar.

Here's another example, many women crave chocolate during their menstrual period. Why should I be? Well, cocoa is one of the best magnesium weight loss sources of magnesium and helps relieve cramps and usually can give you a sense of wellbeing.

Magnesium is also required to give you enough energy to exercise. This is because mitochondria in the muscles produce a type of energy called ATP. For this energy to work properly magnesium weight loss, it must be linked to magnesium.

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