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Protein and Weight Loss - Whey Protein Side Effects

Protein and Weight Loss
Protein and Weight Loss

Whey protein and weight loss shakes can increase your weight loss to a whole new level.

Obesity has been increasing in the United States during the past 20 years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 35 percent of American adults are obese. Besides affecting your physical appearance and self-esteem , obesity also increases the risk of many diseases, including stroke, heart disease , diabetes , metabolic disorder , depression and cancer protein and weight loss.

Due to rising rates of obesity in our country , different weight loss supplements and diet plans are becoming more popular among overweight people hoping to lose those extra kilos. One strategy to lose weight is to use protein shakes as meal replacements to shoot daily calorie intake and promote protein and weight loss.

While this strategy may seem , meal replacements high in simple protein and weight loss (such as whey protein shakes) can provide a highly effective way to lose weight and achieve a healthy lifestyle , according to the latest scientific studies published in the Journal of nutrition and Nutrition , metabolism and cardiovascular diseases review.

A clinical study of 16 weeks duration in the Journal of Nutrition examined 90 obese people who followed a diet, meal replacement diet high protein and weight loss or a diet based on regular food. The results of the study showed that the meal replacement diet rich in protein, caused a significantly greater reduction in weight compared to the diet plan based on foods . Participants who followed the high-protein and weight loss diet lost an average of 12.3 percent of body weight during the 16-week study , while participants of dietary food diets lost only 6.9 percent.

Similar results were found in another clinical study that was published in Nutrition , Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases journal. This study evaluated 215 obese patients who were assigned to a diet high in protein or standard protein and weight loss diet for the study period of 12 weeks.

Participants who ate the high protein and weight loss diet had a greater reduction in body weight and total body fat , compared to participants who consumed normal protein diet . In addition, participants who ate a high-protein diet showed a significant improvement in blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol after the study period of 12 weeks.

These two studies demonstrate not only that the protein diet is an effective strategy for weight loss , but also indicates that the high protein and weight loss diet can also have beneficial effects on blood lipid profile , including total cholesterol reduction and triglycerides. Since cholesterol and triglycerides are the major risk factors for heart disease and stroke , consumption of a diet rich in protein and weight loss that helps improve blood lipid profile , could have a positive effect on your overall health.

The construction of a weight loss diet high protein and weight loss is easy to do with powder whey protein , like whey protein isolate EnergyFirst Proenergy ( / whey protein isolate ) . Protein powders are whey delicious flavors that are easy to use .

Simply mix with water for a nutritious meal that has a low-calorie meal a normal one. When choosing a replacement product of high protein and weight loss foods , choose a powdered whey protein that is made with 100 percent natural ingredients and contain no fat or cholesterol , and serum protein Proenergy . You can also opt for a low-carb . This prevents the low number of calories while ensuring a high protein and weight loss content of the food.

When it comes to weight loss , the most important factor is to ensure that their daily calorie intake is less than the metabolic need of the body. When you consume less calories your metabolic rate protein and weight loss, the body is forced to burn stored fat for energy. Burning stored fat for energy will eventually lead to loss of weight and the amount of adipose tissue in the body decreases .

This is why low calorie diets induce fat burning and promote protein and weight loss.

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