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Weight Loss Ramadan - Effective Fasting Meal Plan to Lose Weight Fast | Healthy

Ramadan is a great opportunity to lose extra kilos. Now reset your metabolism through the long night, long day fasting and fasting weight loss ramadan. Your metabolism is reset and your body begins to change the way they do things.

The weight loss during the first days is dehydration. It may be interesting to see who has lost 2-3 pounds in the first day or two, but it's all water loss and dehydration. No human being can lose 2 pounds of fat overnight weight loss ramadan. It's just water. But it's still exciting!

So how can we maximize weight loss Ramadan?

The most important factor is to avoid excess or " binge " night . We found that in excess once a day is the best way to gain weight. Your body thinks it is in a state of hunger weight loss ramadan, will store everything you eat fat because it is concerned about the food supply. Also, eat once a day scares your body and your body begins to shut down and slow down your metabolism. you do not want to slow the metabolism or gained weight.

Eat small meals throughout the night and in the morning (after sunset) is the best way to maintain an adequate level of metabolism and avoid the highs and lows of blood sugar associated with eating a meal mass weight loss ramadan.

After a good meal, our level of blood sugar rises. In response, the pancreas secretes insulin to lower ton of levels. This excess sugar is stored as fat. This is very bad. We eat small meals and snacks shapely all night to avoid the sudden increase in blood sugar. We want to maintain equal and weight loss ramadan balanced blood sugar. Some foods increase the levels of blood sugar in the blood more than others, and we will discuss it thoroughly.

Why I have weight loss ramadan hunger ?

Many people wonder why they do not feel hungry all day if they skip Suhoor (breakfast, lunch before dawn) weight loss ramadan, but starving at 9 if they eat Suhoor. It comes down to the levels of blood sugar.

Eat a food mass in the early morning (before dawn) led to a significant increase in blood glucose and subsequent secretion of a large amount of insulin to help reduce blood sugar. In about 2-3 hours your blood sugar level in the blood drops below normal, weight loss ramadan which triggers a hunger response. At 9 am , you will feel as if you were starving. And you have the whole day left.

So what can you eat for weight loss ramadan?

At noon, this feeling will go away , but why are you doing this to yourself? You can avoid this problem by eating the right things all night and early in the morning and can avoid hunger weight loss ramadan. Later, I will discuss what you can eat to minimize the starvation response.

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